Read Chapters 1 - 10

Chapter 1
Introduction to South Bay Sports, LLC

A. Mission Statement

It is the South Bay Sports & Special Events Program's mission to provide a wide range of individual and team sports and special events at a variety of competitive and recreational levels to South Bay Sports members of the surrounding community. South Bay Sports is a crucial element of the experience in that it promotes and reinforces teamwork and personal accomplishment, mutual respect and integrity, competition and recreation, as well as skill and exercise. South Bay Sports provides valuable leadership and both personal and professional growth opportunities to the community members who, with the support of South Bay Sports, bring together our community.

B. Goal Statement

This South Bay Sports Handbook is designed to provide Team Managers and South Bay Sports participants with specific guidelines and information that will assist them in participating fairly within the South Bay Sports Program. Participants are encouraged to have fun and enjoy the experience.

Note: References to the male gender in this Handbook with respect to Team Managers, participants, and South Bay Sports Staff are for simplification purposes and apply to both males and females.

C. General Questions and Comments

At South Bay Sports, we are constantly striving to improve the programs we provide. We also continually look for new sports, tournaments, and special events to sponsor. If you have any ideas, questions or comments, please feel free to call, or e-mail us at

D. Special Leagues and Tournaments

The South Bay Sports & Special Events Program coordinates and administers special leagues and tournaments over the course of the year. If your team or community group is interested in sponsoring a special event, league or a tournament, please e-mail us .

E. Health Insurance

The South Bay Sports Program does not provide South Bay Sports participants with health insurance. We strongly recommend personal health insurance for all South Bay Sports participants. Each individual participating in South Bay Sports activities assumes the responsibility for his own health insurance needs. In the event of an injury, the South Bay Sports Program will not cover payment for treatment.

The South Bay Sports Staff takes precautions to make South Bay Sports activities as safe as possible for participants. These precautions include rule modifications, Officials' training, inspection of playing sites, etc. In order to ensure safety, the South Bay Sports Office reserves the right to restrict individuals from participating with improper footwear or personal property such as jewelry, glasses, hats or any other item deemed dangerous.

E. Concussions

What Is a Concussion?
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury-or TBI- caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move quickly back and forth. This fast movement can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, creating chemical changes in the brain and sometimes stretching and damaging the brain cells.

How Can I Spot a Possible Concussion?
Children and teens who show or report one or more of the signs and symptoms listed below—or simply say they just "don't feel right" after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body-may have a concussion or other serious brain injury.

Signs Observed by Team Members or Coaches

  • Appears dazed or stunned
  • Forgets an instruction, is confused about an assignment or
  • position, or is unsure of the game, score, or opponent
  • Moves clumsily
  • Answers questions slowly
  • Loses consciousness (even briefly)
  • Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes
  • Can't recall events prior to or after a hit or fall

Symptoms Reported by Players

  • Headache or "pressure" in head
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Balance problems or dizziness, or double or blurry vision
  • Bothered by light or noise
  • Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy
  • Confusion, or concentration or memory problems
  • Just not "feeling right," or "feeling down"

What Are Some More Serious Danger Signs to Look Out For?

In rare cases, a dangerous collection of blood (hematoma) may form on the brain after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body and can squeeze the brain against the skull. Call 9-1-1 or take your the player to the emergency department right away if, after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body, he or she has one or more of these danger signs:

  • One pupil larger than the other
  • Drowsiness or inability to wake up
  • A headache that gets worse and does not go away
  • Slurred speech, weakness, numbness, or decreased coordination
  • Repeated vomiting or nausea, convulsions or seizures (shaking or twitching)
  • Unusual behavior, increased confusion, restlessness, or agitation
  • Loss of consciousness (passed out/knocked out). Even a brief loss of consciousness should be taken seriously

What Should I Do If I feel that I have a Possible Concussion?
As a player, team member, or coach if you think you have a concussion, you should:

  1. Remove yourself from play.
  2. Keep out of play the day of the injury.
    You should be seen by a healthcare provider and only return to play with permission from a healthcare provider who is experienced in evaluating for concussion.
  3. Ask your healthcare provider for written instructions on helping you to return the playing field.

Do not try to judge the severity of the injury yourself. Only a healthcare provider should assess for a possible concussion. Concussion signs and symptoms often show up soon after the injury. But you may not know how serious the concussion is at first, and some symptoms may not show up for hours or days.

The brain needs time to heal after a concussion. A player's return to sports should be a gradual process that is carefully managed and monitored by a healthcare provider.

If a concussion is determined, SBS will require a health care provider to sign on on return to play.

Chapter 2
Free Agents and Team Entries

South Bay Sports team entries may be submitted via e-mail. E-Mail sign-up information may only be obtained via the

To increase your chances of signing into the sport and league of your choice, Team Managers are strongly encouraged to utilize the e-mail entry system as early as possible. Most of our sports are impacted and fill completely before the In-Person Sign-Up Period.

B. If Your League Does Not Fill...

In the event the league you select does not fill, you will be notified by our Office. We will make every attempt to accommodate each application. If we cannot accommodate your application, you will be given an South Bay Sports Coupon for future participation.

C. Free Agents

An individual without a team affiliation interested in participating may sign up via e-mail or in person. The Free Agent entry fee is $0. A separate application must be completed for each sport or team. To join a Free Agent team, Free Agents may sign up directly into pre-scheduled Free-Agent teams that have been set aside in most sports. Free Agents should check with the South Bay Sports web site or call us before the season starts to receive a list of their teammates' names and phone numbers.

D. Drafting Free Agents - Free Agent Data Cards

Free Agents that did not find a suitable Free Agent team but still wish to participate may complete a Free Agent Data Card. Free Agent Data Cards are available in the South Bay Sports website. ( )

Team Managers looking to supplement their roster with additional players of varying playing levels and experience are encouraged to draft available Free Agents by reviewing completed Free Agent Data Cards available in the South Bay Sports website. The drafting of Free Agents is on a first-come, first-served basis. It is the Team Manager's responsibility to contact desired Free Agents and relay game times and eligibility issues.

E. Leagues

Leagues are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Team Managers should have a second and third choice ready in the event a first choice is not available. Please make sure the day and time you choose is convenient for all members of your team.

All pre-scheduled leagues and times are subject to change until posted. In the event a league is changed or closed, Team Managers will be given the option of signing into another league, being placed on the Waiting List or receiving an South Bay Sports Coupon for future South Bay Sports participation.

F. Team Name Policy

A team name that promotes intolerance, degrades a racial, ethnic, gender or religious group, infers an explicit sexual reference or promotes destructive behavior such as that associated with alcohol or drugs is considered disrespectful to South Bay Sports members at large. The name will be deemed inappropriate by South Bay Sports Staff and be modified accordingly.

G. Refund Policy Policy

Teams can receive a full refund before the start date of any league. After the start date of a league then there will be no refunds given.

Depending on the circumstances, league credit may be given for an upcoming league.

Chapter 3
The Team Manager

A. Team Manager Responsibilities

The success of the South Bay Sports Program depends largely on the leadership qualities and interests of the Team Manager. Team Managers organize teams and individuals for competition and recreation in Intramural Sports leagues prior to the beginning of each season. There is, however, more responsibility to being a Team Manager than simply sending an e-mail or signing your name on an application. The Team Manager must serve as a liaison between the South Bay Sports Office and his team.

As a player, the Team Manager is held to a higher standard. Team Managers should set an example for teammates by playing within the spirit of the rules and exhibiting a high level of sportsmanship. Furthermore, Team Managers should attempt to address player conduct situations and incidents involving their teams before game Officials must step in to deal with the situation. Together, we can help make South Bay Sports the most enjoyable Recreational Sports experience possible.

The Team Manager is also our link to his team. Team Managers relay important dates and information to the rest of their team and inform teammates of all the information included in this South Bay Sports Handbook.

Verification of player eligibility is also an important Team Manager responsibility. Team Managers should familiarize themselves with all eligibility rules, as ultimately they are responsible for ensuring all members of their team are eligible to participate in South Bay Sports.

If you have any questions regarding games, scheduling or general information, please feel free to contact your South Bay Sport Supervisor in the South Bay Sports Office. Sport Supervisors may be reached at (310) 489-7054.

B. Team Manager's Meetings

The week before each season begins, Team Manager's Meetings will be held to inform Team Managers of current South Bay Sports policies and procedures.

While these meetings are not mandatory, failure to attend results in the loss of your ability to protest or reschedule any South Bay Sports activity. More information concerning the day, time, and location of these meetings will be distributed to all Team Managers. Generally, Team Manager's Meetings are held the Thursday evening before each season begins.

C. Sport Rules

Sport rules and CoRec modifications for all sports may be obtained via the South Bay Sports Website at

D. League Schedules

Team Managers should check the South Bay Sports Website for their team's schedule on a weekly basis. The website can be accessed through .

Schedules can change at any time during the season. South Bay Sports has the right to change the location of league games at any time during the season. Changing locations is only used as a last resort after South Bay Sports have exhausted all other options. It is important to check the schedule each week to make sure your team is playing at the right time, and at the right location.

Regular-season schedules will be posted on the South Bay Sports web site before 5:00 p.m. the Friday before each season starts. It is the Team Manager's responsibility to check the schedule regularly. Absolutely no game information will be provided over the phone.

Chapter 4

Team Managers are advised to check each team member's eligibility status prior to the start of each season. Any team using an ineligible player will forfeit all games in which the ineligible player participated.

A. Who is Eligible to Participate?

Everyone will be eligible to participate. Except those participants who where thrown out of the league for misconduct.

Penalty: Any team using an ineligible player will forfeit all games in which the ineligible player participated. Forfeiture of a game precludes a team from entering or advancing through the playoffs.

B. Identification Checks

Eligibility is the responsibility of the Team Manager and each participant. Only valid State Identification card, with a valid picture identification will be accepted before each contest in order to participate.

Picture identification checks occur before every playoff game South Bay Sports contest. Failure to provide an acceptable form of identification will result in not being allowed to participate in South Bay Sports on that day. Absolutely no exceptions will be made.

C. Release Agreement

Team Managers will receive an Intramural Sports Release Agreement for all team members to complete and sign at their first game. The Team Manager is responsible for making sure all members of his team have completed the Release Agreement fully and accurately. All information on this form must be printed legibly in order to participate. Failure to satisfactorily complete the Release Agreement will preclude an individual from participating.

New team members must be added prior to their first regular-season game. After each team's last regular-season game, no new team members may be added via the Release Agreement. The completed Release Agreement is used to determine player eligibility.

D. Stickers

Once a team member has completed the Release Agreement they will receive an South Bay Sports Sticker to be placed on their identification card. The sticker should be adhered to the identification card that makes the participant eligible to play. For subsequent games, the participant should bring the form of identification that has the valid South Bay Sports Sticker. The South Bay Sports Sticker expires after the conclusion of every season, and may not be transferred to different people or to different forms of identification. Any participant trying to play without the South Bay Sports Sticker will be asked to sign the Release Agreement provided they have eligible identification.

Participants with a valid South Bay Sports Sticker are eligible to participate in any South Bay Sports event.

E. Team Rosters

The Team Roster is the official roster for every South Bay Sports team. Team Managers may complete the Team Roster at any point prior to their team's first game or on-site at their first game. Team members must present the Official the proper form of identification, with South Bay Sports Sticker to be added to the roster. Players may be added to the roster at any point during the regular season. Once the regular season has been completed, each Team Roster will be locked and no new players may be added. The Team Roster shall be the primary source to judge all eligibility concerns.

F. Levels of Participation

South Bay Sports provides both competitive and recreational levels of participation. The levels of play vary with each sport. Competitive leagues play Eight Regular-season games with playoffs. Recreational leagues play Eight regular-season games with playoffs. In leagues where there are not enough teams to justify splitting a Division into 'A' and 'B' Levels, we offer 'Competitive' or 'Comp' leagues.

The Levels (within a Division) commonly offered by the South Bay Sports Program are:

  • Competitive 'A' - Advanced

This is the most competitive level of play. Teams are comprised of highly skilled, competitive individuals often with significant playing experience.

  • Competitive 'B' - Intermediate

This is our most popular level of participation. Teams consist of individuals participating at a lower level of competition that either have some experience participating in the sport or are enthusiastic and energetic newcomers.

  • Recreational

Teams participate at this level strictly for recreation. Player ability is not as important as the emphasis on having fun and socializing. Recreational leagues are excellent for social clubs or individuals learning a new sport.

Individuals may participate on one competitive level per Division and/or one Recreational team per Division.

Penalty: Any team using an ineligible player will forfeit all games in which the ineligible player participated. Forfeiture of a game precludes a team from entering or advancing though the playoffs.

Team Manager's are responsible for ensuring their team members follow all eligibility requirements. Team Manager's are also advised to seek clarification on Special Eligibility Requirements, if necessary.

G. Sports

There are no restrictions on the number of sports in which an individual may participate. Check the South Bay Sports general flier for specific information regarding the sports offered.

H. Multiple Team Participation

South Bay Sports participants are eligible to play in any number of sports.

Chapter 5
Automatic Losses and Forfeits

As a courtesy to other participants, teams and individuals are encouraged to arrive early enough to check in with South Bay Sports Staff. If a team absolutely cannot make a scheduled contest, the Team Manager should notify the Intramural Sports Office at least 24 hours prior to the date of competition to request an automatic loss and avoid receiving a forfeit.

A. Automatic Loss

If the minimum number of eligible players is not present and ready to play at the scheduled game time, the contest is recorded as an automatic loss and a win awarded to the team fielding the minimum number of eligible players. An automatic loss does not affect a team's chances of making the playoffs. If neither team is present and ready to play at the scheduled game time with the minimum number of eligible players, both teams receive automatic losses.

B. Forfeits

If the minimum number of eligible players do not show up within 10 minutes after the scheduled game time, the contest is recorded as a forfeit. A team must start with the minimum number of eligible players as stated in the rules for the sport or a forfeit is declared. If both teams do not have the minimum number of eligible players to start or finish a game, both teams receive a forfeit.

South Bay Sports Staff may also assess a forfeit for player and/or spectator misconduct.

During the first week of play, it is required that teams show up with at least the minimum number of eligible players to reserve their spot in the league. A team forfeiting their first scheduled game of the season will be removed from their league without a refund. The South Bay Sports Office will notify teams dropped from the league.

C. Officiating of Forfeits and Automatic Losses

It is against South Bay Sports policy for any Officials to officiate a forfeited game. An Automatic Loss can be officiated by officials if so requested by both teams participating.

Chapter 6

A. Inclement Weather

All South Bay Sports contests will be played as scheduled. Most games will be played rain or shine. In the event of inclement weather, Team Managers are advised to contact the South Bay Sports Office at (310) 489-7054 for an official decision between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. weekdays and two hours before your game on weekends. If a final decision regarding rain has not been made, prepare your team to play; Officials will make a final decision on site.

B. Involuntary Rescheduling

Under extenuating circumstances, the need may arise to reschedule a contest. If games are rescheduled for any reason, Team Managers will be notified by the South Bay Sports Office with as much advanced notice as possible.

Chapter 7

The South Bay Sports Office reserves the right to determine playoff criteria for all other league formations.

For most divisions, only one playoff system will be offered.

All playoffs will be single elimination.

A. League Standings

League standings shall be determined using the following guidelines:

  • 3 points shall be awarded to a team for every game won.
  • 1 points shall be awarded to a team for every game
  • 0 points shall be awarded to a team for every game lost.
  • All eligible teams shall be ranked according to point totals.

B. Tiebreakers

If ties exist between teams with identical point totals, the following tie-breaking guidelines shall be used:

  • Head to head
  • Points Forward Minus Points Against
  • Total points scored in the league
  • Coin toss

If a tiebreaker involves more than two teams, revert to top after one team has been eliminated.

C. Playoff Schedules

The playoff schedules shall be predetermined based on the number of leagues and teams participating within a particular division. The playoffs will use the best-worst method of seeding wherever possible. The playoff schedule shall be released within the first few weeks of the regular season. All attempts shall be made to ensure teams play at their regularly scheduled times. Because the schedules shall be released so early in the season, reschedule requests for playoff games may not be offered.

Chapter 8

There are two types of protests that the South Bay Sports Office accepts:

A. Technical Protests

Technical protests are protests involving misapplication of technical issues such as the automatic loss or forfeit policy, a player eligibility issue or any other policy or procedure included within this South Bay Sports Handbook.

For player-eligibility protests, the Team Manager of the protesting team must make the Head Official on duty and the opposing Team Manager and suspected ineligible player aware of an eligibility protest before the respective player enters and participates in a contest. Team's give up their right to protest player eligibility after the suspected ineligible player participates against them. An official Protest Form , must still be submitted to the South Bay web site by 5:00 p.m. the next business day for the protest to receive further consideration. Informing South Bay Sports Staff is only the first step in the protest procedure.

B. Interpretive Protests

A valid Interpretive Protest must be made to the game Official before the next "live ball" situation. For a protest to remain valid, this Protest Form must be filed with the South Bay Sports web site by 5:00 p.m. of the business day following the game under protest. Only misinterpretations and/or misapplications of a rule are grounds for a valid protest. A decision on the protest will be made and you will be notified within two business days.

A valid protest must include the following points:

  1. 1. All protests must be made to a game Official before the next "live" ball situation.
  2. 2. At that time, the reason for the protest must be given to the game Official.
  3. Protests must involve a misapplication or misinterpretation of a playing rule.
  4. A Protest Form must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. of the next business day.

Once play has resumed, no protest on past plays is acceptable. Games protested will be completed under protest. An official Protest Form, must still be submitted to the South Bay Sports web site by 5:00 p.m. the next business day for the protest to receive further consideration. Informing South Bay Sports Staff is only the first step in the protest procedure.

Teams that did not send a representative to the pre-season Team Manager's Meeting waive their right to protest.

C. Action on Protests

In most cases, games protested on technical grounds will not be replayed. In games where an interpretive protest is later upheld, we will make every possible effort to reschedule the contest from the point at which the protest was lodged or rectify the situation in some other manner. All games missed as a result of an invalid protest or appeal that is not upheld are declared forfeits.

Generally, a decision on your protest will be rendered with 48 hours. In some instances, decisions are delayed when extensive research and investigation are required.

D. Playoff Protests

Due to time constraints, South Bay Sports Staff will decide interpretive protests during playoff contests on site. The decision of South Bay Sports Staff is final and may not be appealed.

Chapter 9

The South Bay Sports Program's goal is participant recreation and enjoyment. It is expected that all participants will conduct themselves in a manner that will not impair the enjoyment of other participants. All actions and comments, whether directed at game Officials, opponents, teammates or spectators should be constructive and conducive to fulfilling this goal.

The South Bay Sports Program insists on good sportsmanship. To foster a positive atmosphere and attitude for recreation and competition and encourage teams and individuals to take responsibility for their actions and comments, South Bay Sports Staff will review each contest to determine whether actions that are detrimental to the goal of the Program were exhibited.

Actions that are dangerous and/or conduct that is detrimental to the goal of the Program are not tolerated and are grounds for suspension from further participation in Intramural Sports.

Examples of unsportsmanlike behavior and conduct detrimental to the goal of the Program include, but are not limited to:

  • Striking or any attempt to strike an opponent or South Bay Staff member.
  • Unsportsmanlike conduct penalties.
  • Aggressive action toward a participant or South Bay Sports Staff member.
  • Profanity, insulting or vulgar language or gestures - incidental or otherwise.
  • Verbal or physical taunting.
  • Actions that may lead to a fight.
  • Attempts to influence the decision of a game Official.
  • Dissent towards an South Bay Sports Staff member's decision.
  • Failure to cooperate with South Bay Sports Staff.

A. Ejections

Any coach, participant or spectator ejected from an South Bay Sports contest for any form of unsportsmanlike conduct is suspended indefinitely. Teams can also be suspended from the league for team brawls before, during or after the games without a refund.

Based on information from the individual's behavior, reinstatement meeting, game Officials, Program policies, and precedent cases, a decision is generally rendered within 48 hours. Written notice and/or a phone call regarding the decision rendered is made to the individual at the address or phone number provided.

To be reinstated for participation in South Bay Sports, the ejected individual must meet with the South Bay Sports President. Meetings take place at the availability of South Bay Sports Staff and must be scheduled appointments. Call (310) 798-6270 to schedule an appointment. Failure to meet with one of the above individuals maintains the suspension in full effect.

*Note: If an ejected individual plays more than one South Bay Sport, the suspension is in effect until after the individual's next game for the team he was playing when he was ejected. For example, Joe Participant plays Soccer in a Sunday league. Joe also plays Basketball on Wednesday and Volleyball on Thursday. If Joe is ejected during Soccer, he must sit out his next Basketball, Volleyball, and Soccer games. If he meets with an South Bay Sports Staff member to be reinstated, he may participate in Basketball the second week pending reinstatement.

If a player is suspended and if the league ends, then the suspension will carry over to the next season.

Penalty: A team using a suspended player forfeits all games that the suspended player participates in. Teams knowingly using such a player may face additional sanctions.

B. Probation

Participants ejected from a contest are placed on probation for 365 days from the date of the incident. Any further unsportsmanlike behavior during this probationary period results in a minimum 365-day suspension from all South Bay Sports and Special Events activities.

C. Fighting

Any coach, participant or spectator who, in the judgement of South Bay Sports Staff, engages in an attempt to fight immediately before, during or after an South Bay Sports contest is suspended indefinitely from further participation in South Bay Sports activities. The minimum suspension for fighting is 365 days.

Based on information from the individual's behavior, reinstatement meeting, game Officials, Program policies, and precedent cases, a decision is generally rendered within 48 hours. Written notice and/or a phone call regarding the decision rendered is made to the individual at the address or phone number provided.

Behavior classified as fighting includes, but is not limited to:

  • striking or attempting to strike an individual.
  • engaging an individual in a combative manner.
  • throwing a punch at an individual.
  • spitting at an individual.
  • kicking or attempting to kick an individual.
  • brandishing a foreign object or weapon with intent to harm, injure, or intimidate an individual.
  • retaliating against an aggressive act.

Penalty: A team using a suspended player forfeits all games that the suspended player participates in. Teams knowingly using such a player may face additional sanctions.

D. Fighting with South Bay Sports Staff

Any coach, participant or spectator that fights or attempts to fight with or attempts an aggressive act toward an South Bay Sports staff member is suspended from participation in South Bay Sports activities for a minimum of five years.

Penalty: A team using a suspended player forfeits all games that the suspended player participates in. Teams knowingly using such a player may face additional sanctions.

E. Leaving the Bench Area to Participate in an Altercation

Any bench personnel, coach, participant or spectator that leaves the bench or coaching area to participate in an altercation is automatically ejected. The suspension is a mandatory one game suspension* (see note on one game suspensions above). In all instances, the South Bay Sports Handbook's policies on "Fighting" and "Fighting with South Bay SportsStaff" take precedence.

Chapter 10
General Information

A. Rules Governing General Behavior

  • No alcohol, drugs or tobacco products are allowed at South Bay Sports sites before, during or after South Bay Sports activities.
  • South Bay Sports Staff reserve the right to restrict play or eject anyone suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • No food or drink is allowed at any indoor South Bay Sports site.
  • No black-soled, marking shoes may be worn during indoor South Bay Sports. Participants wearing black-soled, marking shoes are not allowed to participate.
  • The designated Team Manager or Captain should be the only participant who communicates with game Officials on points of rule.
  • Vulgar, obscene, abusive, derogatory, racist, sexist, and/or discriminating or demeaning comments or gestures will not be tolerated. Incidents of such behavior may result in indefinite suspension from South Bay Sports participation.
  • Any comments or gestures intended to threaten or intimidate any other person are forms of verbal aggression and will be disciplined accordingly.

B. Uniforms

  • Teams must bring both a dark and light shirt for all sports.
  • Only shoes with non-marking soles may be worn for indoor sports. Participants wearing shoes with marking soles may not participate.
  • Watches, jewelry, and other items deemed dangerous are prohibited while participating in South Bay Sports.
  • Due to the impact on grass fields, cleats and spikes are not permitted during South Bay Sports activities unless otherwise noted.

C. Omissions

In cases where policies are not outlined in the South Bay Sports Handbook, the Intramural Sports Staff reserves the right to use common sense, fairness, and the "spirit of the Program" in providing interpretations on the policies and procedures contained in this South Bay Sports Handbook.

D. Dissemination of Information

All information regarding scheduling of games, league standings, sport rules, as well as a copy of the South Bay Sports Handbook, is available at the South Bay Sports website, at . Any information obtained from any source other than the aforementioned website, including, but not limited to, game Officials, South Bay Sport Staff, or Program employees is unofficial. Furthermore, no scheduling information will be disseminated from the South Bay website.

Contact Us

South Bay Sports, LLC

(310) 798-6270
(310) 376-4328




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